
Why Join Megunticook Rowing

Megunticook Rowing members become part of a dynamic, volunteer-led, volunteer-operated organization that is devoted to making the amazing experience of rowing on Lake Megunticook available to all, regardless of income or skill level. As a member, you will gain access to our docks, our indoor practice facilities, and our equipment (boats, oars and ergs); you will also be able to join our coached programs on the water and on the erg during the winter. We offer several levels of membership, and the resulting fees help provide the predictable financial support we need to keep our docks in shape and our boats rowable. They also support our continuing efforts to broaden access to this amazing sport through our growing junior program.

We are a volunteer organization open to all.

Become a member

Membership levels

Learn To Row Graduate—$50

(All ages)

A special summer membership for our new 2024 Learn To Row graduates! Membership includes summer-long access to weekend open row sessions, our Midcoast Recreation Center (MRC) erg gym, Barrett’s Cove docks and club equipment. Coaching fees are not included.

Adult Full—$350

( Adults 26 and over)

Membership includes year-round access to Midcoast Recreation Center (MRC), Barrett’s Cove docks and club equipment. Coaching fees are not included.

Youth Full—$200

( Ages 12–25)

Membership includes year-round access to Midcoast Recreation Center (MRC), Barrett’s Cove docks and club equipment. Coaching fees are not included.

Adult Fall—$150

September 2 – October 31
( Adults 26 and over)

This membership is intended for fall visitors. Membership includes access to docks, club equipment, and MRC. Coaching fees are not included.

Adult Winter—$200

November 1 – March 31
(Adults aged 26 and over)

Membership includes access to MRC and indoor rowing sessions.

Youth Winter—$125

November 1 – March 31
(Adults aged 18 – 25)

Membership includes access to MRC and indoor rowing sessions.

One-week pass —$75

For vacationers who know how to row and want to join us for a few days while here. Membership includes access to docks, club equipment, and MRC. Coaching fees are not included.

Day Passes—$20

Limited to three passes

Available for US Rowing members aged 18 and over. Permits use of docks and equipment, based on boat availability. Skills test or equivalent required. DO NOT sign up for a club membership through iCrew, your coach or sponsor will have you sign a paper waiver the day of.

How to join

Sign up for your Megunticook Rowing membership in iCrew, our rowing management portal. 

Be sure to enter your US Rowing number in your profile, if you have one; if not you can add it later.

Register for US Rowing. If you are already a US Rowing member, add Megunticook Rowing as a club affiliation. Our US Rowing club code is C6V3L. (US Rowing provides our liability insurance, so membership is mandatory.)

Sign the US Rowing waiver on their website.

E-sign the Megunticook Rowing waiver and the safety video affirmation from within iCrew. Once your US Rowing membership syncs with the iCrew system, the membership and waiver status will show up correctly in your iCrew profile.

About your membership fee

For several years, the Board has been examining different models to ensure the long term financial stability of the club After much discussion, we have reached the following conclusions:

  • Grants, appeals, or other fundraising activities should not be used to support the day-to-day operations of the organization.
  • The income from our coached programs is not sufficient to cover all our operations.
  • The organization must have a reliable funding stream to remain in operation over the long term.

To address these conclusions, the Board voted to make Megunticook Rowing a member-supported organization with annual membership fees. Here’s how this will work:

  • All college-age and older participants will pay an annual membership fee that will give them access to our docks, equipment, and facilities including the Megunticook Rowing gym at Midcoast Recreation Center.
  • Membership dollars will be used to pay for operating costs. This includes maintaining our docks and boats, safety equipment, hosting our website; insurance, and rent at Midcoast Recreation Center.
  • We will continue fundraising aggressively. The funds we raise will be targeted for specific needs affecting the youth programs, like upgrading equipment, scholarships, and eventually a permanent facility.
  • We will maintain our seasonal programs with top notch coaches supporting adult and youth rowing, learn-to-row, and indoor training, just as we have since we began 15 years.

We believe member support will help sustain Megunticook Rowing into the future and keep this amazing rowing venue active over the long term.

Member handbook

Megunticook Rowing Safety Policy

Members must sign the Safety Policy through iCrew before using Megunticook Rowing facilities or participating in classes. For questions or concerns regarding the policy, please email

Download safety policy

Megunticook Rowing House rules

Our House Rules spell out the conduct we expect of ourselves towards each other, as well as our friends and neighbors who may be affected by our rowing activities. Members must sign the House Rules through iCrew before using Megunticook Rowing facilities or participating in classes. The rules are detailed here (PDF to be uploaded). For questions or concerns, please email


Megunticook Rowing is committed to providing a safe and supportive environment for our rowers to learn, compete, and excel in the sport of rowing through our participation in the SafeSport Campaign. This campaign, adopted in conjunction with USRowing and the United States Olympic Committee, is focused on raising awareness and stopping child abuse in all sports. Click on Megunticook Rowing Safe Sport Policy (NEED LINK HERE) to view our SafeSport policy. If you have any reason to believe that an individual has violated a SafeSport policy, please email our president John Romain ( or vice president Eric Buck ( immediately. For more information please review US Rowing’s SafeSport Campaign.

US Rowing Safety Video

All members are required to watch and understand the US Rowing Safety Video and affirm they have done so in iCrew.