SAVE THE DATE!! Saturday November 2 is our annual “Docks Out” work party, 9 AM to noon at Barrett’s Cove. (Rain date Sunday November 3.) We are counting on EVERYONE to be there; if you all turn out we can get this big job done in a day. It’s not just docks, it’s boats, equipment, oars, racks, launches. There’s something for everyone to do. See you November 2! Pizza Party in Barretts Cove to follow the work!
Save the Date! Nov. 2nd Everything Out of the Boat Forest – Docks Out!

Save the Date! Nov. 2nd Everything Out of the Boat Forest – Docks Out!
9:00 am - 12:00 pm
Save the Date! Nov. 2nd Everything Out of the Boat Forest – Docks Out!
Barrett’s Cove Camden Maine 104 Beauclaire Ave, Camden, 04863, United States,